Monday, January 28, 2008

The other side of the sport! 911

Hey all, We here at the blog love to write about the coolest gear and the gnarliest gnar spots, but this is part of the other end of the spectrum. Dane Williams has been missing since the San Diego trade show.Dane Williams is the marketing director for Hurley. Here is the skinny as of now. Dane Williams from the Hurley Marketing Dept. has been missing since Friday night at ASR (Action Sports Retailers Tradeshow). He was last seen Friday night at close to 2 am by the Hard Rock Cafe outside of the Marriott Gaslamp in San Diego. We are worried because no one has had contact with him since then. If you have heard from him or seen him, please contact the San Diego police department or Teton Gravity Research. Please pray as we want him to enjoy the blessings that god gave us the gnar and the outdoors. Much Love as always - Sawickied


Anonymous said...

Hey Jong

You got the guy's last name wrong. Maybe out of respect for the deceased you should pull this off or least get his last name right and mention current info.

You make me sick

Anonymous said...

Well from the TGR's website this what was posted, Just wanted to help the guy out, can't blame me for someone who posted a blog that had some wrong information. But hey your the expert Gordy!

Sawickied said...

All The Stash was trying to reach out to anyone knew of Dane's Situation to let anyone he knew of his where abouts and contact the proper channels to get the information as fast as they could to the correct persons. It was unfortunate that the name was spelled wrong, and we here at the stash are sorry for that. We wish his family the best. Thank you for helping us remedy this blog post. Sawickied